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4x6" Desk Flags

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[Ordering Information]
United Nations Desk Set
Desk flags from CRW Flags are a favorite for school, home, and parade use. Display flags of places visited or show your heritage. Also ideal for banquets, conventions, gifts, awards and souvenirs for corporations, clubs, schools, colleges and associations. Most of our beautiful 4x6" silk-like flags are mounted on black staffs with gilt spear heads.
A few of the flags have different staffs or may be unhemmed.

see also:
Desk Flags Main Page

Price Code 1-11 12+ 72+ 144+
A $4.00 $3.20 $2.80 $2.60
B - - - - - - - - - - - -
C $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
D $5.00 $4.00 $3.50 $3.25
E $9.00 $7.20 $6.30 $5.85
minimum 12 per design for 144+ pricing
Add $2.00 per flag for fringe      Note: Not all flags are available with fringe  

A - Afghanistan
A - Afghanistan (1980-87)
A - Afghanistan (1992-02)
A - Albania
E - Alderney
A - Algeria
A - American Samoa
A - Andorra
A - Angola
A - Anguilla
E - Antarctica
A - Antigua & Barbuda
A - Argentina
A - Armenia
A - Aruba
A - Australia
A - Austria
A - Azerbaijan
A - Azores
A - Bahamas
A - Bahrain
A - Bahrain (19xx-02)
A - Bangladesh
A - Barbados
A - Basque
A - Belarus
A - Belarus (SSR)
A - Belgium
E -   - Flanders
A -   - Flanders (1188)
A - Belize
A - Benin
A - Bermuda
A - Bhutan
A - Bolivia
A - Bonaire
A - Bosnia-Herzegovina
A - Bosnia-Herz. (1992-98)
A - Botswana
A - Brazil
E - British Antarctic Terr.
E - British I.O. Terr.
A - British Virgin Islands
A - Brunei
A - Bulgaria
A - Burkina Faso
      Burma (see Myanmar)
A - Burundi
E - Byzantine Empire
A - Cabo Verde
A - Cambodia
A - Cameroon
A - Canada
E - Canada (1868-1921)
A - Canada (1921-1957)
E - Canada (1957-1965)
      Canadian Provinces
E - Canada Air Force
E - Canada Army
E - Canada Navy
E -   - Cape Breton Tartan
E - Canary Islands
E - Catalan Blue
A - Cayman Islands
A - Central African Rep.
A - Chad
A - Chile
E - Chilean Antarctic Territory
A - China
A - China -Taiwan
A - Colombia
A - Comoros
A - Comoros (1978-92)
A - Comoros (1996-01)
A - Congo
A - Congo, Dem. Rep.
A - Congo, Dem. Rep. (1997-06)
A - Cook Islands
A - Costa Rica
A - Croatia
A - Cuba
A - Cyprus
A - Czech Republic
A - Denmark
A - Djibouti
A - Dominica
A - Dominican Rep.
A - East Timor
E - Easter Island
A - Ecuador
A - Egypt
A - El Salvador
A - Equatorial Guinea
A - Eritrea
A - Estonia
A - Ethiopia
A - Ethiopia w/Lion
A - Falkland Islands
A - Faroe Islands
A - Fiji
A - Finland
A - France
A -   Fleur-de-Lis 3 gold/blue
A -   Fleur-de-Lis 3 gold/white
A -   Fleur-de-Lis 3 white/blue
A -   Fleur-de-Lis 23 gold/white
A - Gabon
A - Gambia
A - Georgia, Rep.
A - Georgia, Rep. (1990-04)
A - Germany
E - Germany (1871-1918)
D - Germany (1933-45)
D - Germany Naval WWI
D - Germany Naval WWII
A -   - Bavaria
A - Ghana
A - Gibraltar
A - Greece
A - Greenland
A - Grenada
A - Guam
A - Guatemala
A - Guernsey
A - Guinea
A - Guinea-Bissau
A - Guyana
A - Haiti
A - Honduras
A - Hong Kong (Xiang-Gang)
A - Hungary
A - Iceland
A - India
A - Indonesia
A - Iran
A - Iraq
A - Ireland
A - Ireland, North
A -   Irish/Erin Go Bragh
A - Isle of Man
A - Israel
E -   - Jerusalem
E -   - Tel Aviv
A - Italy
A - Ivory Coast
A - Jamaica
A - Japan
E - Japan Naval
E - Jerusalem Cross
E - Jerusalem, Kingdom
A - Jordan
E - Karen
A - Kazakhstan
A - Kenya
A - Kiribati
A - Korea, North
A - Korea, South
A - Kuwait
A - Kyrgyzstan
A - Laos
A - Laos (1947-75)
A - Latvia
A - Lebanon
A - Lesotho
A - Liberia
A - Libya
A - Liechtenstein
A - Lithuania
A - Luxembourg
E - Luxembourg Civil
E - Macao
A - Macedonia
A - Madagascar
A - Malawi
A - Malawi (1964-2010)
A - Malaysia
A - Maldives
A - Mali
A - Malta
A - Marshall Islands
A - Mauritania
A - Mauritius
A - Mexico
E - Mexico (1864-67)
E -   - Mexico City
E -   - El Doliente de Hidalgo
A - Micronesia
A - Micronesia - Pohnpei
A - Micronesia - Yap
E - Midway Island
A - Moldova
A - Monaco
A - Mongolia
A - Montenegro
A - Morocco
A - Mozambique
A - Myanmar
A - Myanmar (1974-2010)
A - Namibia
A - Nauru
A - Nepal
A - Netherlands
E - Netherlands - Amsterdam
A - Netherlands Antilles
A - New Zealand
A - Nicaragua
A - Niger
A - Nigeria
A - Northern Marianas
A - Norway
A - Oman
A - Pakistan
A - Palau (Belau)
A - Palestine
A - Panama
A - Papua-New Guinea
A - Paraguay
A - Peru
A - Philippines
A - Poland
A - Poland w/Eagle
A - Portugal
E - Prussia
A - Puerto Rico
E -   - Arroyo
A - Qatar
E - Rhodesia (1968-79)
E - Romani
A - Romania
A - Russia
A - Rwanda
B - Rwanda (1962-01)
E - Saba
A - San Marino
A - Sao Tome & Principe
E - Sardinia
A - Saudi Arabia
A - Scotland Lion
A - Scotland St Andrews
A - Senegal
A - Serbia
A - Serbia Greater Arms
A - Seychelles
B - Seychelles (1977-96)
A - Sicily
A - Sierra Leone
A - Singapore
A - Slovakia
A - Slovenia
A - Solomon Islands
A - Somalia
A - South Africa
E - South Africa (1928-94)
A -   African Nat. Congress
D -   Bophuthatswana
D -   Ciskei
D -   Transkei
D -   Venda
A - Spain
E - Spain (1785)
A - Spanish Empire
A -   Castles/Lions (1492)
A -   Cross/Burgundy
E - Catalonia
A - Sri Lanka
A - St. Helena
A - St. Kitts-Nevis
A - St. Lucia
E - St. Pierre & Miquelon
A - St. Vincent & Grenadines
A - Sudan
A - Sudan, South
A - Suriname
A - Swaziland
A - Sweden
A - Switzerland
      Swiss Cantons
A - Syria
A - Tahiti
A - Tajikistan
A - Tanzania
A - Thailand
A - Tibet
A - Togo
A - Tonga
A - Trinidad & Tobago
A - Tunisia
A - Turkey
A - Turkmenistan
A - Turkmenistan (1992-97)
A - Turks & Caicos
A - Tuvalu
A - U.S.S.R. (1955-91)
A - Uganda
A - Ukraine
A - Ukraine (SSR)
A - United Arab Emirates
A - United Kingdom
E -   - Air Force
E -   - Royal Standard
A - Uruguay
    - U.S.    pricing
A - Uzbekistan
A - Vanuatu
A - Venezuela
A - Vietnam
A - Vietnam, South (1948-75)
A - Virgin Islands
E - Wake Island
A - Wales
E - Western Sahara
A - Western Samoa
A - Yemen
A - Yugoslavia (1992-2003)
A - Zambia
A - Zimbabwe
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CRW Flags, Inc. - 7306 E. Furnace Branch Rd. - Glen Burnie, Maryland 21060
Website Comments/Suggestions - email  Webmaster  - All other questions or to place an order phone 800-662-6106
Most recent revision to this page - January 19, 2025